Dr Fiona Ross speaking on 27th March 2021

Typography Society of India Online Design Lecture Series Session #13: Speaker: Dr Fiona Ross Topic: Research-based practice in designing type for South Asian scripts YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/7R2DBb56-Jw Abstract: Dr Fiona Ross will discuss a design methodology that advocates research-based practice to advance the possibilities for effective visual communication in writing systems beyond those that use the Latin script. Amply illustrated by relevant examples from her extensive work with South Asian scripts, Fiona’s talk will consider how different kinds of resources can inform design practice in the field of type and typography – and thereby answer the current needs of diverse linguistic communities. It will highlight by means of specific case studies how the re-evaluation of past practices and critical engagement with current conventions underpins best practice. It will demonstrate how informed design decisions in conjunction with new technologies can offer better solution...