Traditional grid systems of India. A talk by Sri Parameshwar Raju on 14th November at 5:00pm

Typography Society of India, Design Lecture Series. Traditional grid systems of India. A talk by Sri Parameshwar Raju on 14th November 2020, Saturday, at 5:00pm Recording of the talk is available at A documentary film on Parameshwar Raju is available in YouTube This topic will be useful for those in the area of graphic design, product design, architecture, craft and artefacts. In India, the grid was always a part of tradition and it has been practiced with the faith to the extent of religious doctrine. It has a large variety in form and application. In the past few centuries, the meaning of grid has shifted from interface between physical and super physical worlds to interface between physical world and its perception by the rational cognition. Process of creation is an initiation and a sharing knowledge of the craft and information gathered and referred from nature. Listening, seeing, f...